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Games4King Waterway Forest Escape
Games4King Waterway Forest Escape
Games4King  Waterway Forest Escape
Games4King - G4K Waterway Forest Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. In this escape game, you find yourself lost in a dense, enchanting forest crisscrossed by serene waterways. The forest is filled with lush greenery, hidden paths, and mystical creatures. To escape, you must navigate the intricate network of streams and rivers, solving puzzles and uncovering secrets along the way. Use your wits to decode ancient symbols, unlock hidden passages, and interact with the magical inhabitants. Can you find your way out of this mesmerizing yet challenging forest? Good luck and have fun!
Instructions :
Mouse Interaction
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    bt3 (123542) - 2024-06-24, 16:05

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