Games2Jolly - Ravenous Horse Rescue is another type of point and click new escape game developed by concept of this game is to feeding Hay for the hungry Horse.Now, you need to find the Hay for Horse by using the clues and by solving the puzzles. Good luck, Have fun. Jollymania!!!
OMG I figured out the Clue's the symbol on the lower portion of the wall........this game developer is a very quirky person with a strange since of humour about him/her.
player99 I already sent a trouble report to them about this game obviously from the same developer as yesterday's Halloween game.....same signature style of graphics and effects. Games2Jolly has always been on top of their game but this 2nd day in a row stuff means that they are losing their standing.....wonder what tomorrow will bring. They still haven't fixed Ravenous Horse yet.